Exercise: Form

Type the following text on Notepad, and fill in the blanks:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<h2 style="text-align:center">Form Controls</h2>
<form name="control">
Name:<input type="________" size="50" value=""/>

<h3>Radio Buttons</h3>
Group A:<input type="_________" name="group" value="A"/>
Group B:<input type="_________" name="group" value="________"/>

<input type="_________" name="subject" value="English"/>English
<input type="_________" name="________" value="Chemistry"/>Chemistry
<input type="_________" name="subject" value="Maths"/>Maths<br><br>

<input type="__________" value="Submit"/>
<input type="reset" value="Reset"/><br><br>


Website Displays

Form Controls


Radio Buttons

Group A: Group B:


English French Chemistry Maths