Exercise: Formatting

For this exercise we are going to make changes to your document called paragraph.html, which you saved when you did the paragraph exercise. Below is the sample of the document.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>First HTML</title>
<p>My favourite food is Macaroni Cheese. It's delicious!</p>
<p>My favourite subject is Computing. It's fun!</p>

  1. Make the text Macaroni Cheese bold

  2. Strike through the word delicious and insert tasty

  3. Make the text Computing italic

  4. Add a new paragraph stating: Today is the 20th.

  5. Add another new paragraph stating: The symbol for Oxygen is O2.

  6. Save the file as formatting.html

  7. Click the Answer button to check your work.

Website Displays

My favourite food is Macaroni Cheese. It's delicious tasty!

My favourite subject is Computing. It's fun!

Today is the 20th.

The symbol for Oxygen is O2.