Exercise: Lists

  1. Open Notepad and create an unordered list for the following colours:


    Remember to use the <br/> before you start the next list!

  2. Create an ordered list for the following chores:

    Book Holidays
    Get a DVD Film
    Order takeaway

    Remember to use the <br/> before you start the next list!

  3. Create a definition list for the following:

    JavaScript - JavaScript creates dynamic and interactive web pages.
    CSS - Stands for Cascading Style Sheets. Styles the html elements on the web pages.

  4. Click the Answer button to check your work. Use the scroll bar

Website Displays

  • red
  • violet
  • green

  1. Book Holidays
  2. Get a DVD Film
  3. Order takeaway

JavaScript creates dynamic and interactive web pages.
Stands for Cascading Style Sheets. Styles the html elements on your web pages.