Property |
Value |
List-style-type |
upper-roman; lower-alpha; upper-alpha; none |
list-style-position |
Position of the bullet or number
inside; outside |
list-style-image |
An image can be used as a bullet url('name of image.jpg/gif') |
In HTML we have already looked at the unordered and ordered lists, so now we are going
to look at the different list-style-type for the unordered and ordered lists.
Unordered list
<ul id="circle">
<ul id="square">
<ol id="disc">
<li>Golden Delicious Apples</li>
<li>Conference Pears</li>
<li>Black Amber Plums</li>
- Golden Delicious Apples
- Conference Pears
- Black Amber Plums
Ordered list
<ol id="decimal">
<li>Multiply 2 by 2 then add 5</li>
<li>Multiply 3 by 3 then add 6</li>
<li>Multiply 4 by 4 then add 7</li>
- Multiply 2 by 2 then add 5
- Multiply 3 by 3 then add 6
- Multiply 4 by 4 then add 7
<ol id="lower-roman">
<li>Name a Hardware</li>
<li>Name a Software</li>
<li>How many kilo bytes in 1MB</li>
- Name a Hardware
- Name a Software
- How many kilo bytes in 1MB
<ol id="upper-alpha">
<li>Climb a coconut tree today</li>
<li>Learn to drive tomorrow</li>
<li>Run a marathon next week</li>
- Climb a coconut tree today
- Learn to drive tomorrow
- Run a marathon next week
Images can be used as bullet points. In the example below, we have created an unordered list item marker with a star image called
'star.jpg'. You can use an image of your choice but remember to re-size them i.e
width="20" height="20".
<ul style="list-style-image:url('../images/star.jpg')"
Let us have a look at one more list-item marker with a different image.
<ul style="list-style-image:url('../images/circ.jpg')">
The list-style-position is used when you want to place the list item marker inside or outside the list.
The list-style-position:inside places the list item marker inside the list.
#inside {list-style-position:inside;}
Inside Postion
- In the morning, I am going to have porridge with honey.
- In the afternoon, I am going to have salad for lunch.
The list style-position:outside places the list item marker outside the list.
Outside Postion
- In the morning, I am going to have porridge with honey.
- In the afternoon, I am going to have salad for lunch.
Now do the Exercise!