An array is an object that contains a collection of data. You can create arrays of various data types. They can be in numbers, Strings, boolean or they can be mixed. An array has a length property and various methods, which we will look at later on.
var book=new Array(4)
var subject=[3]
var time= new Array()
Once an array has been declared the next step is to initialise the array. We have already declared an array called subject that has 3 elements (see above declaring an array).
The value inside an array is called an element and the position of each element is recognised by its index number [n], which starts at 0. Maths is the first element [0], English is the second element [1] and Biology is the third element [2].
Index | Value |
0 | Maths |
1 | English |
2 | Biology |
You can declare and initilaise an array right at the beginning:
Let's change the value of English to French. We know the index of English is the second element[1].
Index | Value |
0 | Maths |
1 | English |
2 | Biology |
Index | Value |
0 | Maths |
1 | French |
2 | Biology |
An array object has a property called length, which determines the number of elements in an array. The name of the array is followed by a dot and the word length .
If you click the button "click me" it allows you to enter an array of 6 numbers or strings, which are then printed on to the text box.
Methods are doing words (verbs) such as running, walking and talking; they are tasks that are carried out by the computer.
Some of the methods have arguments inside the parentheses.
The sort method sorts the elements of an array into alphabetical order but it has problems sorting numbers.
First of all, let us sort an array of colours into alphabetical order before we look at numbers.
Now let us look at numbers!
They seem to be sorted out ok! So what is the problem?
The problem occurs when you have numbers such as 5,9,23,102,45. Let's see what happens when we try to sort these numbers out.
As you can see the first number is 102 because the sort method recognises the first digit 1. The second number is 23 because the first digit is 2, so how do we overcome this problem?
We have to create a function that compares two numbers. Therefore, let us create a function called compareNum with two arguments, inside the parentheses, called a and b. The compareNum function will then be passed into the sort method's parentheses.
The concat combines two arrays into a single array.
var shoeSize= new Array(3,4,5);
var color=new Array("red","green","blue");
var shoe=shoeSize.concat(color);
As you can see the arrays shoeSize and color have been combined into one array called shoe.
The join method joins all the elements of an array in to a string. Each element is separated by a separtor such as a comma, which is the default.
If you do not want the comma as the separtor you can select a string of your choice. Let's create different string separtors for an array called age.
The push() method allows you to add one or more elements to the end of an array and returns the value of the new array length.
var names= new Array("Jane","Imran","Tom");
document.write("Length is:" + names.length);
document.write("Add Nadia and Lee")
document.write("Length changes to:" + names.push("Nadia","Lee"));
document.write("Print names: " + names);
We started of with 3 names in the array and used the push() method to add on two more names. Now the new length of the array is 5.
You can also use the length property to add an element. Let us add silver to the array called colours. The array already has the colours blue, red and pink.
var colours= new Array("blue","red","pink");
The pop() method removes the last element of an array, which changes the length of the array.
var numbers= new Array(66,5,8,32);
document.write("Before: " + numbers);
document.write("Element removed was:")
document.write (numbers.pop());
document.write("After: " + numbers);
The shift() method removes the first element of an array.
var drinks= new Array("tea","milk","water");
document.write("Before:" + drinks);
document.write("Removed " + drinks.shift());
document.write("After:"+ drinks);
The unshift() method adds one or more elements to the front of an array and returns the new length.
The slice() method extracts a part of the array and returns a new array.
Inside the parentheses you can have an argument, in integer, called the start index or you can have two arguments the start and the end index (optional).
Note: When we use the start and end index to extract a part of the array the end element is never included.
If we look at the example below the start index is 0 and the end index is 3. Therefore, all the elements starting from 0 up to 3 are extracted. The end element 3, which is 'd' is not extracted.
Lets use the slice() method to extract different parts of an array.
var examsGrade = ["a","b","c","d","e","f"];
"//extracts from d to f "
document.write("1. "+ examGrade.slice(3));
"//extracts from c to d"
document.write("2. "+ examGrade.slice(2,4)
"//extracts from b to e"
document.write("3. "+examGrade.slice(1,-1));
The end index -1 would be f, so it would not be extracted.
The splice() method allows you to insert and remove elements from anywhere in an array.
The first argument points to the startPosition in the array, this is where you want to start inserting or removing elements from.
The second argument totalNumber is the number of elements to be deleted.
The arguments value1, value2 and so on are the values of the new elements that are being inserted.
The array length will keep changing everytime you insert or remove an element.
If you only want to insert an element than the totalNumber argument should be 0.
The reverse() method does exactly what it says. It reverses the order of the elements in an array. The last element becomes the first and so on.
The toString() method converts the elements in an array to a string.
var cars= ["volkwagen","ford","honda"];
The index is used to retrieve an element from an array. In the example below the for loop can be used to access all the elements in an array.