A regular expression object describes a pattern of characters, which can be matched agaist strings.
var name= /pattern of characters/
In the following text we are going to use a regular expression with the method
match() to find the word apple.
You can use the regular expressions without declaring a variable - let us find the word orange.
Modifiers | Explanation |
g | used for a global match - finds all the matches within the string | i | used for case-insensitive matching |
m | used for searching across multiple lines of text |
The tables below show some of the common regular expressions that are used.
Expression | Explanation |
\d | matches a single numberic character |
\D | matches a single character that is not a numeric chracter |
\n | matches a new line |
\t | matches a tab |
\s | matches a white space character |
\d | matches a digit |
\w | matches any single character that is a letter, number, or underscore |
\f | matches a form feed |
\t | matches a tab |
\r | matches a carriage return |
\b | matches a word boundary - the start or end of a word | \B | matches a position that is not located at a word boundary |
Metacharacter | Explanation |
[0-9] | matches any digits from 0 through to 9 |
[a-z] | matches any lowercase characters from a through to z |
[A-Z] | matches any uppercase characters from A through to Z |
^ | matches character from the begining of a line |
$ | matches characters from the end of a line |
. | matches any single character except line break characters |
Methods | Explanation |
* | x* matches any string containing zero or more x's - it can be any characters |
+ | x+ must match any string containing at least one x - it can be any characters |
? | x? matches any string containing zero or one x - it can be any characters |
{n} | x{2} matches any string containing a sequence of 2 x's |
{n,n1} | x{5, 6} matches any string containing a sequence of five or six x's |