Conditional Statements

Conditional statments are used for decision making. It is important to ensure the conditional statements are in the correct order when they are being executed.

If Statement

In the if statement, if the condition is true then the statement inside the curly bracket is executed. You can have more than one if statement.


if (condition)
statement to be executed if the condition is true;


var x=6;
if (x=6)
document.write("What is 6x6=?");
document.write("Answer: " + (x*x));


In javascript document is an object and write() is a method. At this stage do not worry too much about objects and methods. Just familiarise yourself with document.write().

Any characters to be displayed on the screen must be placed inside a single or double quotation marks.

The + operator here is used as a concatenation (joins the strings).

Note: The html codes must be placed inside the quotation marks

If...else Statement

In the if...else statement if the condition is true the statement inside the first curly bracket is executed. Otherwise, the else curly bracket statement is executed.


if (condition)
statement to be executed if the condition is true;
statement to be executed if the condition is false;


var age=16;
if (age>=18)
document.write("You can vote.");
document.write("Sorry you cannot vote." );


if...else if... Statement

In the if... else if... statement there are several conditions. If one of the condition is true the statement relating to that condition is executed. If none of the conditions are true then the else statemet 4 is executed.


if (condition)
statement 1 is executed if the condition is true;
else if
statement 2 is executed if the condition is true;
else if
statement 3 is executed if the condition is true;
statement 4 is executed if statement 1,2 and 3 are not true


var passMark=30;

document.write("Grade A");
else if(passMark>=55&&passMark<=70); //statement2
document.write("Grade B");
else if(passMark>=40&&passMark<=55); //statement3
document.write("Grade C");
document.write("Sorry you failed"); //statement 4


Switch Statement

In the switch statement there are several conditions. Each case condition is checked against the value of the variable. If it is true then the statement related to the case is executed. Otherwise, the default statement is executed.


switch (variable value)
case 1: Execute statement 1 if condition is true
case 2: Execute statement 2 if condition is true
default: Otherwise, excute statement 3

The break statement ends each case.

In the example below case number 1 has been selected.


var courseNumber=1 ;
switch (courseNumber)
case 1: document.write("English Language");
case 2: document.write("French Language");
case 3:document.write("German Language");
default:document.write("Incorrect Selection");


If there was no break statement after case 1 then case 2 would also be executed. If there was no break statement at all, then case 1,2,3 and default would be excuted, one after the other.

Let us have a look what would be displayed if all the above breaks were removed and case 1 is selected

var courseNumber=1 ;
switch (courseNumber)
case 1: document.write("English Language");

case 2: document.write("French Language");

case 3:document.write("German Language");

default:document.write("Incorrect selection");


Now do the Exercises!