Boolean Object

The Boolean object represents either a true or false value. The keyword new is used to create a Boolean object.


var nameofVariable=new Boolean();

When you create a new boolean object with nothing inside the parentheses() then the outcome would be false.

var result=new Boolean()
document.write("result =" + result)


If we put the value 1 inside the parentheses then the outcome would be true.

var result=new Boolean(1)
document.write("result =" + result)


If we put a real number inside the parentheses then the outcome would be true.

var result1=new Boolean(-2)
var result2=new Boolean(12.7)
document.write("result1 =" + result1)
document.write("result2 =" + result2)


If we put a string value inside the parentheses then the outcome would be true, even if you have the value "false".

var result1=new Boolean("false")
var result2=new Boolean("Jane")
document.write("result1 =" + result1)
document.write("result2 =" + result2)


However, if you have the value false without the string then the outcome would be false.

var result=new Boolean(false)
document.write("result =" + result)


The following values: 0, "", null or NaN would result in false.

var result1=new Boolean(0)
var result2=new Boolean("")
var result3=new Boolean(null)
var result4=new Boolean(NaN)
document.write("result1 =" + result1)
document.write("result2 =" + result2)
document.write("result3 =" + result3)
document.write("result4 =" + result4)


Primitive and Object Boolean

The Boolean object values true and false should not be confused with the primitive boolean values. Look what happens when you use a conditional statement with the value being false.

var closeDoor=new Boolean(false)
document.write("The door is open")
document.write("The door is closed")


var shutDoor=false;
document.write("The door is open")
document.write("The door is closed")


Look what happens when we use the comparison operators to compare the values and type.


var shutDoor=false;

var doorClosed=new Boolean(false)

document.write("Both have the same values:")
document.write( doorClosed==shutDoor)
document.write("The values are the same but the type differs, so outcome will be:")




Property Explanation
constructor() Returns a reference to the Boolean function that created the object. (returns:function Boolean(){[native code]})
prototype The prototype allows you to add properties and methods to an object. In the section Objects you will learn more about prototype.


Method Explanation
toString() The toString() converts a boolean value to a string.
valueOf() The valueOf() returns the primitive boolean value, which is contained in the Boolean object.

Now do the Exercise!