The Boolean object represents either a true or false value. The keyword new is used to create a Boolean object.
var nameofVariable=new Boolean();
When you create a new boolean object with nothing inside the parentheses() then the outcome would be false.
If we put the value 1 inside the parentheses then the outcome would be true.
If we put a real number inside the parentheses then the outcome would be true.
If we put a string value inside the parentheses then the outcome would be true, even if you have the value "false".
However, if you have the value false without the string then the outcome would be false.
The following values: 0, "", null or NaN would result in false.
The Boolean object values true and false should not be confused with the primitive boolean values. Look what happens when you use a conditional statement with the value being false.
Look what happens when we use the comparison operators to compare the values and type.
Property | Explanation |
constructor() | Returns a reference to the Boolean function that created the object. (returns:function Boolean(){[native code]}) | prototype | The prototype allows you to add properties and methods to an object. In the section Objects you will learn more about prototype. |
Method | Explanation |
toString() | The toString() converts a boolean value to a string. | valueOf() | The valueOf() returns the primitive boolean value, which is contained in the Boolean object. |