A hyperlink has an opening <a> and a closing </a> anchor tags plus an attribute called href, which means hypertext reference. The attribute href goes inside the opening anchor tag with a URL(uniform/universal resource locator) value.
<a href="URL">Link shown on the website</a>
The link can be in an image form or in simple text.
To navigate to another website you will need the full website address. For example '', this is known as absolute URL
<a href="">Lilly Robot Website</a>
Lilly Robot WebsiteWe can create a link to a webpage on the same website. The full domain name is not needed, provided all the webpages of the website are in the same folder. This is known as relative URL.
<a href="table.html">Go to the table page</a>
Go to the table page<a href="#text">Go to Text Link</a>
Go to Text LinkAn image link can make a web page look more interesting. The image tags are placed between the start and end of the anchor tags. Clicking on the image below will take you to the Introduction page. Try it!
<a href="introduction.html">
<img src="images/tags.jpg" alt="HTML"/>
Thumbnail Images are nice to have on a website especially, if you want to create a gallary full of images. Below we have created a thumbnail image of a water fall. The width and height of the thumbnail is 80px. Clicking on the thumbnail image will display a larger image of the water fall.
<a href="images/waterfall.jpg">
<img src="images/waterfall.jpg" alt="waterfall"
width="80" height="80" />
An email link is handy to have if you want to communicate with your readers. The href attribute value would start of with 'mailto:' followed by the email address ''.
<a href="">Email Link</a>
Email LinkThe normal colours for unvisted link is blue and visited is purple. The colour changes when you click on it. Below is the html attribute for unvisited and visited links, which allows you to change the link colours.
The attributes link and vlink are
placed inside the start body tag.
<body link="green" vlink="yellow">
You will learn more about styling the links in CSS.
The target attribute value "_blank" allows you to open a page in a new window or tab. The target attribute is placed inside the start anchor tag; the value starts with an underscore.
<a target="_blank" href="lists.html">Lists</a>
ListsYou might be interested to know that the other target attribute values are:
The above values are related to frames. Since frames are deprecated in HTML5, we are not going to discuss them.