In this lesson you are going to learn how to format your text. A document with good formatting will attract more viewers to your website.
Any content inside the <i></i> tags will be italic.
<i>My name is Lilly Robot</i>
My name is Lilly Robot
Any content inside the <b></b> tags will be bold.
<b>HTML is fun and creavtive!</b>
HTML is fun and creative!
<p>It is important to <i>backup</i> your work regularly.</p>
<p>Keep your <b>password</b> safe and secured from others.</p>
It is important to backup your work regularly.
Keep your password safe and secured from others.
The strong tag is used if you want to make the content important. It is similar to bold but the browser decides on the emphasis of how the content will be displayed.
Any content inside the <strong></strong> tags will be strong.
<strong>Book Holiday!</strong>
Book Holiday!
The emphasis tag emphasises the content. It is similar to italic but the browser decides on the emphasis of how the content will be displayed.
Any content inside the <em></em> tags will be emphasised.
<em>Cancel Holiday!</em>
Cancel Holiday!
<p>I must attend my <strong>HTML</strong> classes next week.</p>
<p>Go to <em>Lilly Robot<em/> website to learn HTML.</p>
I must attend my HTML classes next week.
Go to Lilly Robot website to learn HTML.
Any content inside the <sub></sub> tags will be subscript. The symbol for carbon dioxide is CO2.
Carbon Dioxcide:CO<sub>2</sub>
Carbon Dioxcide:CO2
Any content inside the <sup></sup> tags will be superscript.
Date: 20<sup>th</sup>June 1910
Date: 20thJune 1910
Any content inside the <small></small> tags will be small.
<p><small>This text is small</small></p>
This text is small
<p>Ten to the Power of two is written as: 10<sup>2</sup></p>
<p><small>The formula for rectangle is lenght x width</small></p>
<p> The symbol for water is: H<sub>2</sub>0</p>
Ten to the Power of two is written as: 102
The formula for rectangle is lenght x width
The symbol for water is: H20
The html tags for underline has been replaced by CSS. Although, you might still come across some websites, written several years ago, showing the old tags.
Any content inside the <u></u> tags will be underlined.
<u>Hypertext Markup Language</u>
Hypertext Markup Language
The CSS code for underline is: style="text-decoration:underline". The code goes inside the opening tag.
<p style="text-decoration:underline">
Cascading Style Sheet
Cascading Style Sheet
Any content inside the <del></del>tags will be striked through.
<del>Delete page 222</del>
Delete page 222
Any content inside the <ins></ins> tags will be underlined.
<p>Tape program: <ins>7pm</ins>.</p>
Tape program: 7pm
<p>The font size should be <del>22px</del><ins>18px.</ins></p>
The font size should be 22px 18px.