The three list types you can create are ordered, unordered and definition.
Ordered List | Unordered List | Definition List |
Unordered list <ul> </ul>
Ordered list <ol> </ol>
The tags to list the items <li></li>
Unordered List
Ordered List
<li>Knead the dough</li>
<li>Roll the dough</li>
<li>Add toppings</li>
<li>Bake in oven</li>
A definition list contains a term and a description. You can use them in glossaries or FAQ(frequently asked questions).
<dl>Start of Defintion list
<dt>Definition term<dt>
<dd>Definition description<dd>
</dl>End of Definition list
<dd>Stands for HyperText Markup Language.
The language used for writing web pages.
<dd>A software that allows you to view web pages.</dd>